The following study finds that a combination of indomethacin, prochlorperazine, and caffeine is effective in treating migraine headache – “Efficacy of dosing and re-dosing of two oral fixed combinations of indomethacin, prochlorperazine and caffeine compared with oral sumatriptan in the acute treatment of multiple migraine attacks: a double-blind, double-dummy, randomised, parallel group, multicentre study” (Int J Clin Pract. 2007 Aug;61(8):1256-69).
AIMS AND METHODS: In this double-blind, double-dummy, randomised, parallel group, multicentre study, the efficacy of dosing and re-dosing of a fixed combination of indomethacin, prochlorperazine and caffeine (Indoprocaf) was compared with encapsulated sumatriptan in the acute treatment of two migraine attacks. Additionally, in the group taking Indoprocaf, two different oral formulations were tested: effervescent tablets and encapsulated coated tablets.
RESULTS: Of 297 patients randomised (150 assigned to Indoprocaf and 147 to sumatriptan), 281 were included in the intention-to-treat efficacy analysis. The initial dosing of Indoprocaf and sumatriptan was similarly effective with pain-free rates higher than 30% (95% CI of odds-ratio: 0.57-1.28) and headache relief rates of about 60% (95% CI of odds-ratio: 0.82-1.84) with both the drugs. The efficacy of re-dosing of Indoprocaf as rescue medication was more effective than that of sumatriptan with pain-free values of 47% vs. 27% in the total attacks with a statistically significant difference in the first migraine attack in favor of Indoprocaf. The efficacy of re-dosing to treat a recurrence/relapse was very high without differences between the drugs (pain-free: 60% with Indoprocaf and 50% with sumatriptan in the total attacks). Indoprocaf and sumatriptan were well-tolerated.
CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated that the efficacy of the initial dosing of Indoprocaf was not higher than that of sumatriptan, but that the strategy to use the lowest effective dose as soon as the headache occurred, followed by a second dose if the headache has not relieved or to treat a relapse, was very effective, especially with Indoprocaf. PMID: 17627707
This study suggests that IndoProCaf should be able to abort migraine attacks independently from the time of administration -“Indomethacin, alone and combined with prochlorperazine and caffeine, but not sumatriptan, abolishes peripheral and central sensitization in in vivo models of migraine” (J Pain. 2004 Oct;5(8):413-9).
“Recently it has been proposed that the throbbing pain of migraine is mediated by sensitization of peripheral trigeminovascular neurons, and that cutaneous allodynia of migraine is mediated by sensitization of central trigeminovascular neurons, and, moreover, that the triptans are less effective in aborting a migraine attack if the central sensitization is already established. The combination of indomethacin, prochlorperazine, and caffeine (IndoProCaf) is a drug of well-established use in the acute treatment of migraine. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the 3 active principles of IndoProCaf, alone and combined, compared to sumatriptan, were able to abolish the peripheral sensitization induced by kainic acid and the central sensitization induced by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) in in vivo models of hyperalgesia. The study showed that indomethacin or IndoProCaf is able to abolish both the kainic acid-induced and the NMDA-induced hyperalgesia. If administered at different times, IndoProCaf was always effective in reversing the kainic acid-induced hyperalgesia. Sumatriptan was not able to reverse either the kainic acid-induced or the NMDA-induced hyperalgesia. The efficacy of indomethacin, alone and combined with prochlorperazine and caffeine, in abolishing peripheral and central sensitization in in vivo models of hyperalgesia is a further explanation of the clinical efficacy of IndoProCaf in the treatment of migraine.
PERSPECTIVE: This study suggests that, although triptans were shown to be able to abort migraine attacks only if given before the establishment of cutaneous allodynia and central sensitization, IndoProCaf should be able to abort migraine attacks independently from the time of administration, because it is able to abolish an already established peripheral and central sensitization.” PMID: 15501422
We can compound indomethacin, prochlorperazine, and caffeine into a suppository.