The immune system. It’s something that you are aware of whenever you’re sick, and probably think about only occasionally when you’re healthy. You’ve read about the role of gut bacteria in keeping the immune system working smoothly. Well according to Harvard University, gut bacteria is doing more than just keeping the flu away, it can ward off Type 1 diabetes.
Your immune system is made up of many components, some of which are “guardian genes”. These protect against a range of autoimmune diseases, notably type 1 diabetes. A study was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which showed that despite the presence of the powerful guardian gene, mice developed severe inflammation of the pancreas – a precursor to type 1 diabetes – when they received antibiotics shortly after birth or if they were raised in a sterile environment. Now the study was done on mice, so there are some differences to take into account, however, it illustrates the importance of avoiding antibiotic exposure in infants or while pregnant.
Not all bacterial is “bad” but antibiotics don’t discriminate between the good or bad bacteria. In newborn infants this is particularly bad, as their bodies need the good bacteria to form protections from genetic disorders (like Type 1 diabetes). Interfering with that process by administering antibiotics appears to disrupt the balance of the gut microbiota, which in turn leads to loss of genetic protection, according to the authors of the study.
Another important benefit of good bacteria is the resulting biofilm. This is a coating, like a raincoat, that covers both our skin and the inside of our intestines. You may have heard of flesh- eating bacteria. Well, they’re everywhere. If they weren’t then everything that ever died would still be laying around. However, when the good bacteria see our body’s temperature and the pH of our tissue secretions they nest on us and in our gut and make the protective raincoat. Now, if we use too many antibacterial soaps on the outside, or if we don’t get enough good probiotics inside, then a breach can form in that biofilm and allow the flesh-eating bacteria to see our tissues and go to work decomposing them. This is what causes skin problems like eczema and psoriasis on the outside and what causes what people are calling “leaky gut” in our digestive tract. When the bad bacteria dig through our gut and enter into our bodies, they cause inflammation, which is the foundation of pretty much every disease.
So, if you want to be healthy, it’s not just a matter of what you do or don’t eat; it’s a matter of what is helping you eat. Your intestine’s bacterial population is much more important than which restaurant you choose or which isle you pick in the grocery store. Good bacteria is essential. It’s paramount. In fact, one could say that there is no greater cause of ill health in the United States than our diet which is so deficient in proper gut bacteria.
BIOM 25 billion: Alzheimer’s disease is associated with severe cognitive impairments as well as some metabolic defects. Resent research conducted by Kashan University of Medical Sciences indicates a link between probiotics and cognitive function. The study was published in open-access journal frontiers in aging neuroscience. The group taking the probiotic, had levels of hs-CRP (highly sensitive c-reactive protein, a powerful marker of inflammation) decreased by 18% indicating a dramatic reduction in neuro-inflammation. Load up on your beneficial bacteria and let them go to work! I recommend taking 1 to 2 capsules nightly with cold water right before bed.
Dr. Jenny P. Wilkins, NMD, CRA
Dr. Jenny is a Naturopathic Doctor and clinical research associate. She is a successful entrepreneur as the CEO/Proprietor of AgeVital Pharmacies in Sarasota, Florida. She is a charismatic media personality and television producer with regular appearances on ABC, NBC, TBN, CBS, the CW and Lifetime. As a health and wellness expert and educator, Dr. Jenny lectures all around the world at various conferences about the endocannabinoid system and functional integrative healthcare and how natural solutions work to treat a multitude of diseases and illnesses. She authors books for healthcare practitioners and consumers and educates the healthcare community and individuals using her extensive research and findings about the endocannabinoid system.
She is the President and Chairman of The American Academy of the Endocannabinoid System (AAECS) and sits on the Executive Board of Directors for the American Board of Medical Marijuana Physicians (ABMMP). Her expansive credentials include a Board Certification at The American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners – (ABAAHP), a Diplomate of the AAIM College of Nutrition and a Board Certification with the (AAIM) Board of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Jenny is also a member of the American Academy Of Anti-Aging Medicine, serves as a senior business and financial advisor for Nuvusio, Conference Advisory Board Medical Chair of the Florida Medical Cannabis Conference & Exhibition (FMCCE) and the medical director for Biom-Pharmaceuticals and Chief Scientific Officer And Medical Director for M3-Biodynamics and M3-Innovations.