Vitamin C is one of the more well known vitamins. People are always telling others to drink orange juice and get plenty of vitamin c when they are sick. And with good cause, vitamin c is a powerful antioxidant that not only helps keep your immune system in tip-top shape, but also helps the body form and maintain connective tissue such as bones, blood vessels and skin. Now it seems it may reduce the risk of blood cancer too!
According to a study published in the journal Nature, boosting daily requirement of vitamin C may be helpful in curbing the development of blood cancer (leukemia). The study found that people with lower levels of Vitamin C in the blood were more at risk of developing leukimia. This increased risk is partly tied to how ascorbate affects an enzyme known as Tet2. Mutations that inactivate Tet2 are an early step in the formation of leukemia. Previous studies had shown that vitamin C could stimulate the activity of TET2 and its relatives TET1 and TET3. Since only one of the two copies of the TET2 gene in each stem cell is usually affected in TET2-mutant blood diseases, researchers hypothesised that high doses of vitamin C, which can only be given intravenously, might reverse the effects of TET2 deficiency by turning up the action of the remaining functional gene. They found that vitamin C did the same thing as restoring TET2 function genetically. By promoting DNA demethylation, high-dose vitamin C treatment induced stem cells to mature, and also suppressed the growth of leukaemia cancer stem cells from human patients implanted in mice.
It can sound a bit technical, but it’s certainly good news, especially for older people who are at risk for a common pre-cancerous condition known as clonal hematopoiesis, that puts them at an increased risk of developing leukemia. So, while you can’t get enough Vitamin C to treat leukimia at home, you should still be sure to make sure you’re getting 100% of the recommended daily amount to stay healthy. One of my monthly routines is to get an IV bag of 25,000 to 50,000ius of vitamin c in 250ml to 1000ml sodium chloride bag. Very popular in California and South Florida. I feel refreshed and my skin and immune system feel revived. Stop by Agevital and receive 20% off your IV vitamin c drip and start benefiting from this essential antioxidant.
300 milligrams of Vitamin C with bioflavanoids to increase effectiveness of Vitamin C in a great tasting cherry or orangepineapple flavored chewable tablet. Vitamin C supports immune system function and collagen health. The primary function of Vitamin C is maintaining collagen.* Vitamin C also helps form red blood cells, provides antioxidant protection against free radicals and supports the immune system. cGMP certified product, Organic and NONGMO. Fromulated by Dr.Jenny herself.