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Genova NutrEval FMV



NutrEval® FMV

Unlike any other nutritional assessments, NutrEval FMV® provides a framework of core nutrients in 5 key areas: Antioxidants, B Vitamins, Digestive Support, Essential Fatty Acids, and Minerals. In this test, the Amino Acids are measured in a convenient first-morning urine collection.

Need for Nutritional Testing

Many patients experience chronic illnesses because of nutritional deficiencies. NutrEval® offers nutritional recommendations based on a patient’s individual test results. Clinicians commonly use such testing to determine the nutritional deficiencies that are at the root of chronic conditions such as:

* Mood disorder: Depression, Anxiety, Sleep disturbance

* Fibromyalgia or Fatigue

* Optimized health and sports fitness

An Advanced Diagnostic Tool

Genova designed the NutrEval® profile to give physicians a better understanding of patients’ nutritional deficiencies. By combining testing in 5 key areas of core nutrients, physicians are offered a depth of insight into a patient’s overall nutritional status unrivaled in the laboratory industry. Genova diagnostics has created an enhanced report that synthesizes the results of more than 100 individual biomarkers into one, easy-to-interpret overview, as well as a personalized patient supplementation schedule.>

The NutrEval® Profile includes:

* Metabolic Analysis Profile

Metabolic Analysis assessment provides information on 45 key organic acids. These biomarkers are grouped into easy-to-understand categories, and provide insight for functional support in the areas of: malabsorption & dysbiosis; cellular energy & mitochondrial metabolism; neurotransmitter metabolism; vitamin deficiencies; and toxin exposure & detoxification need.

* Amino Acids Analysis

Amino Acids analysis features either plasma (37 total) or urine (41 total) amino acids. This assesses nutritionally essential and non-essential amino acids, as well as intermediary metabolites that augment an understanding of B vitamin need, and need for support of protein digestion & absorption.

* Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis

Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis provides a high level overview of the balance of various families of fatty acids in relation to each other: Omega 3, 6 and 9 Fatty Acids; Saturated Fatty Acids; and Monounsaturated Omega 7 and Trans Fats. It also provides key ratios for understanding cardiovascular risk, including the Omega 3 Index.

* Elemental Analysis, Packed Eyrthrocytes

Elemental Profiles provide information in two categories: Nutrient Elements which evaluates intracellular nutrient status, and Toxic Elements which evaluate short-term toxic element exposure.

* Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Stress biomarkers highlight the body’s current state of oxidative stress and reserve capacity. Markers of oxidative injury assess cell membrane (lipid peroxides) and DNA (8-hydroxydeguanosine/8-OHdG) damage, while direct measurement of glutathione and CoQ10 provide insight into antioxidant reserve available to counter free-radical impact. Additional markers are available in our Oxidative Stress 2.0 profile.

Test Type: Blood and Urine

Cash Price: $823.00

Insurance coverage: Medicare and Tricare – NO COPAY (Send copy of insurance card when submitting lab work)

Cigna – $149.00 copay

Blue Cross Blue Shield – $149.00 copay

United Healthcare – $149.00 copay

MediShare – $149.00 copay


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