Gaining muscle mass is a funny thing. Some people seem to get more muscular whenever they look at a barbell, others hit the gym hard and see only minimal gains. If you’re in the latter group, there may be some hope yet. Keep reading to make sure you’re working out/eating right to see maximum gains.
- No matter which strength training method you choose, be sure that resistance levels (the amount of weight you use) and the number of repetitions you do are high enough to fatigue the muscle. The recommended amount is three sets of 8 to 12 reps for each exercise, 40-70 seconds per set to tense your muscles. Your total workout should be about 45 minuets at most. The goal is to feel the burn when strength training. “No pain, no gain does have some validity. You want your body to have the day after soreness from challenging your muscles. Be sure to refuel with protein and amino acid supplements to help the body rebuild and recover for faster results.
- Diet is almost as important as the exercise you do. You could work out properly, but if your not getting the right nutrients it’s all for nothing. Protein is especially important, to help rebuild muscles. Aim to take in about one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. It is also extremely important to fuel 45 minutes before work outs. Treat your body like a car. It’s not going to go anywhere if you do not have it fueled. Adding a cup of granola with fruit 45 minutes before each work out is just what your body will need to increase your energy before workouts
- On that note: A protein shake is better than whole foods immediately following a workout, whole foods take to long to digest, and your body needs the fuel immediately after work outs to start repairing and building muscle.
- Be mindful of how much cardio you do. Cardio is certainly good for your heart, but if you’re focused on gaining muscle it can be a hindrance. Try to keep to two days of light jogging, 30 minutes at a time. Or sprinting to really burn fat. My favorite is interval training. Research shows that interval training burns more calories over a shorter period of time. I love sprinting for 1 minute as fast I can and then walk for 3 minutes and then repeat 6 to 8 more times. Keep it under 35 minutes.
- Muscle confusion is a real thing. If you do the same workouts over and over, your body learns to do them more efficiently, which means less muscle gains for you. Be sure to change your routine every 4 to 6 weeks
- Following up on that, while working out try to make your workouts focused on upper/lower body, or whole body during a session. Not individual muscles at a time. Squats, dead lifts, pull ups, rows, are some examples of exercise that use multiple muscle groups. However, if all you have access to are machines, they are still better than nothing. But don’t forget, you don’t need weights, or even a gym to workout. Carrying logs, or heavy jugs, flipping heavy tires. There’s no limit to how you can get a workout, be creative!
- Resting is just as important as training. Your muscles need time to rebuild themselves. Train no more than 4 times a week, and get plenty of sleep to allow muscles to rebuild themselves properly. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day and keep hydrated.
- Make sure you work your stabilizer muscles (the muscles around the shoulders, hips, and midsection). Without properly developed stabilizers, you won’t have a good a foundation to build the bigger muscles on. Also make sure to work your glutes and hamstrings. They help to make sure you are moving properly and safely.
- Along with food, water is very important. Most Americans are dehydrated already, but if you workout, it’s even easier to become dehydrated. Drink ½ to one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day to maintain hydration.

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About Dr. Jenny:
Dr. Jenny is a strongly sensitive and seasoned naturopathic doctor and clinical research associate with an extensive background in nutritional and hormonal biochemistry. Active in community promotion of naturopathic principles and remedies and owner of AgeVital Pharmacy, Research and Wellness, located in downtown Sarasota, FL, she has been recognized for her outstanding ability in prescribing health supplements and other functional, preventative remedies by her peers, community, and media (as seen on ABC7 – ‘The Suncoast View’, NBC – ‘DayTime’, TBN -‘A Rood Awakening,’ on CBS and the CW: Medical Cannabis: The Healing Power Of Knowledge, and a regular on iHeart Radio).
Dr. Jenny is a provider of highly individualized and dedicated patient care. With a comprehensive knowledge of allopathic pharmacy, she has developed individual naturopathic treatment plans for her patients to alleviate chronic and acute illnesses. A champion of the observation, “You’re not what you eat but what you absorb,” Dr. Jenny focuses on achieving overall homeostasis in the body, using a variety of techniques to facilitate the proper absorption of nutrition, the removal of harmful toxins, and the strengthening of a reliable and effective immune system. As an owner of pharmacies, she is a proponent of “test, don’t guess” and has bridged the gap between allopathic and naturopathic approaches, utilizing the very best science provided by both disciplines to achieve the maximum quality and quantity of life for her patients. She has an excellent understanding of HIPAA Universal Precautions and patient protection policies, and is a firm believer in the benefits of effective and professional healthcare.
In a day and age when there seem to be numerous divisions in healthcare, Dr Jenny is inviting everyone to find a common ground: the best interests of the patient. Both quantity and quality of life are important. Gone are the days when physicians threw every available pill or procedure at the patient in order to stretch out a few more seconds of life, regardless of the suffering involved. Today, the goal is real healing, not just “Band-Aids for booboos.” The old goal was to treat disease, but the new goal is to heal from it. Scientific breakthroughs are occurring in leaps and bounds. It is Dr. Jenny’s passion to keep abreast of the very best that discovery has to offer and to work in tandem with those who share her vision in order to produce real healing for the patient.
*Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed by AgeVital Pharmacy are not intended to substitute for medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician or give us a call and schedule a consultation with one of our providers.